What Is Red Light Therapy? Also referred to as Phototherapy/ Photobiomodulation
There are various kinds of Light facials available on the market today, and the technology is rapidly evolving. The treatments involve the use of different color lights, such as red (most commonly) blue and yellow (depending on what the skin needs)
The basic premise of Light therapy is that different colors trigger different reactions beneath the epidermis and penetrate the skin at varying depths. Such as:
Red Light: Red Light, featured on Dr. Oz and one of Hollywood’s top beauty secrets, has the ability to reach down into all the layers of the skin where it rejuvenates, stimulates collagen production, prompts cellular repair, and increases circulation promoting a more vibrant and youthful complexion. Red LED lights work synergistically to deliver optimal skin rejuvenation. This combination of LED lights is ideal for deeper lines and wrinkles, scarring, promoting a more even skin tone, and burning fat.
Red light wavelengths penetrate the skin to a depth of about eight to 10 millimeters and are absorbed by skin cells. A part of the cell called the mitochondria (the “power-generator” of the cell) soaks up the red light and creates cellular energy. This increased energy within the cells stimulates the production of fibroblasts (responsible for collagen production in the skin), improves elastin production, promotes healing, and boosts the skin’s elasticity. Immune response within the skin is elevated.
Red light reduces inflammation, provides better oxygen flow to cells, kills bacteria, and enhances skin hydration and overall cell function. It can reduce and eliminate numerous skin conditions and diseases, as well as improve the overall appearance and health of facial skin.
Blue Light: Blue Light has been proven to have powerful anti-bacterial properties that have the ability to kill the acne causing bacteria. It prevents and treats acne. Blue light also helps to purify the skin, stabilize oil glands, and sooth inflammation.
Yellow Light: Yellow Light reduces the appearance of redness, swelling, and inflammation. This color of light is beneficial for Rosacea and treating burns such as sunburns. Also stimulates the production of red blood cells in the skin and is effective in treating abnormal pigmentation (hypo and hyper), improving lymphatic function, and stimulating circulation.
Red, Blue, Yellow Light treatments are painless, non-invasive and no downtime is required. People are looking for a lot of alternatives these days. A Red Light treatment is great for targeting areas that are hard to hit with Botox and injectables, bringing out the plumpness and reducing the appearance of crow's feet and other wrinkles.
What Does Red Light Therapy Do For Your face?
Red light therapy has a powerful healing capacity, improves general facial skin health, acts as an anti-aging remedy, and treats numerous skin conditions and diseases. Red light therapy also helps to develop an even skin tone and a smoother skin texture, no matter what the problem.
Conditions that create undesirable skin tone and texture issues and benefit from red light therapy include:
Wrinkles and Fine Lines
Collagen and elastin are proteins that keep your skin supple and firm. The body’s production of these proteins decreases throughout the aging process, causing the skin to become thinner and can sag.
Wrinkle development also results from exposure to UV rays, pollution, poor air quality, smoking, dry climates, dehydration, squinting or other facial habits, and hereditary factors.
Red light stimulates the production of fibroblasts and increases the production of collagen and elastin, thereby increasing hydration and cellular energy. The result is wrinkle prevention, reduction, and a smoother skin tone and texture. The skin becomes firmer and vibrant, with a more youthful appearance.
Eyes are especially prone to wrinkles. Eye wrinkles, under-eye circles or hollows, bags, and “crow’s feet” can all be alleviated via red light therapy. Eyelid crepes and droopiness are diminished.
Even deep wrinkles on the face and neck can be reduced with red light therapy, and shallow wrinkles and fine lines will virtually disappear.
Red light therapy is a more effective wrinkle remedy than any skin cream because it deeply penetrates the skin whereas lotions function primarily on the skin’s surface. The benefits are greater because of the biochemical process by which red light stimulates energy within skin cells. Creams and lotions do not have this capability.
Sun Damage
Sun damage comes in a variety of forms:
Sunburn — the common reaction to prolonged UV ray exposure, causing the skin to burn, become red, and eventually itch and peel
Wrinkles — too much UV exposure causes collagen and elastin in the skin to break down, reducing firmness and creating wrinkles
Sun Spots (Age Spots) — sun exposure causes the skin to produce melanin and become “tan” (which is actually skin damage!), but if melanin is heavily concentrated in small areas it causes lasting spots after the suntan fades
Melasma — larger patches of darker brown or gray skin, also caused by the overproduction of melanin
Actinic Keratosis (AK) — the most serious form of sun damage, AK causes crusty or scaly patches on the skin and frequently becomes cancerous
The elevated collagen and elastin production activated by red light therapy creates an increased immune response, eliminating dead skin cells and repairing damaged ones. Wrinkles are minimized to restore the skin to a firmer, smoother condition. Discolorations are reduced, giving skin a more even tone.
Treatments such as creams, medications, and chemical peels, while somewhat effective in reversing sun damage, can cause mild to severe skin irritation in many people. There are no such adverse side effects to red light therapy. Instead, the body’s natural cellular processes are utilized to create healing and repair tissue damage.
All types of sun damage can benefit from red light therapy.
The collagen- and elastin-enhancing properties of red light therapy serve to improve the skin’s elasticity. Further scarring (skin fibrosis) from chronic conditions such as acne is prevented through increased cellular activity and hydration. Existing scarring can be alleviated and minimized.
Most scars begin as purple, dark red, red, or pink in color and fade with time. Red light therapy can reduce the appearance of virtually all types of scars.
Keloid Scars — initially dark red or purple and thicker than the surrounding skin, often bumpy and caused by a wound to the skin
Contracture Scars (Burn Scars) — generally caused by an injury such as a burn
Atrophic Scars — indentations in the skin commonly caused by acne or chickenpox
Hypertrophic Scars — raised rather than indented, hypertrophic scars often appear as thick, raised clusters
Stretch Marks — caused by a rapid shrinking or expanding of the skin and breaking of connective tissue, stretch marks are common with pregnancy, rapid weight gain, and bodybuilding. Red light therapy is known to reduce stretch marks.
Acne Scars — can be atrophic, hypertrophic, or keloid but are always caused by dead skin cells, oil, and bacterial growth under the skin
The severity of scarring will have an impact on how much red light therapy can do to reduce the appearance, but all scars will respond to treatment to some extent.
Acne is caused by bacteria and the clogging of hair follicles under the skin and is often related to hormonal fluctuations. In addition to treating acne scars, red light therapy can reduce acne, as well as prevent new breakouts.
Red light therapy kills bacteria, reduces inflammation, and improves oxygen flow to the skin cells. The decreased inflammation reduces the size of existing acne pimples, and lower bacteria levels prevent new pimples from forming.
All forms of acne can be reduced or eliminated via red light therapy. Common types of facial acne that will benefit from treatment are:
Hormonal Acne — the most common, generalized variation of acne (also known as Acne Vulgaris)
Cystic Acne — most common in people with oily skin, cystic acne is the most serious form, with large pus-filled cysts forming beneath the skin
Fungal Acne — caused by a fungus rather than bacteria, fungal acne has a more rash-like appearance and is usually itchy
Melasma is a condition in which dark brown or gray patches appear on the face. It can be caused by:
Excessive sun exposure
Hormonal changes due to pregnancy, birth control, or other hormone-affecting medications
Reaction to oral skin medications or topical skincare products
No matter what the cause, red light therapy can reduce the appearance of melasma. The natural cellular energy increase and elevated collagen and elastin levels diminish the appearance of melasma and restore skin to a healthy, even tone.
Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
Eczema is a medical skin condition caused by an allergic reaction to contact with an external substance, or other health conditions like hay fever or dry skin. Symptoms include:
Dry or cracked skin
Severe itching
Thickened or discolored skin where a rash appears
Blisters or painful lesions
The capability of red light therapy to boost immunity, reduce recovery time, and promote faster healing provides swift relief for eczema sufferers.
Skin quality is improved via greater levels of hydration, collagen, and elastin. Increased cellular energy reduces the severity of eczema symptoms, providing pain and itch relief.
Facial Cellulitis
Facial Cellulitis is a common facial bacterial infection, typically caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus. Bacteria enter the face through a break in the skin; a cut, scratch, wound, or pimple. Areas of the face and neck affected by facial cellulitis will be hot to the touch, red, and swollen.
Facial cellulitis requires medical treatment via antibiotics, but red light therapy can also be useful in relieving symptoms and restoring skin to a healthier appearance.
Psoriasis is a skin disease caused by the overly rapid production of skin cells. More cells are produced than can be shed, so they begin to accumulate on the skin’s surface. This can lead to itchy, scaly, red patches of skin. Psoriasis leads to premature aging effects. It is an autoimmune disease for which there is no cure.
While it cannot cure psoriasis completely, red light therapy can dramatically reduce the symptoms of Psoriasis. It is one of the most effective psoriasis treatments to date. Increasing the efficiency of skin cells replaces Vitamin D, increases healing potential, and improves the skin’s elasticity and hydration.
Through red light therapy, psoriasis relief can be achieved to some degree for anyone who suffers from the disease.
Rosacea (also known as Acne Rosacea) is an inflammatory skin disorder different from acne. A rash-like redness appears on the face. It is easily mistaken for acne vulgaris, but it differs in that pimples are driven only by inflammation, not bacteria or oil. Blood vessels may also be visible on the face.
Eye problems and an enlarged nose can also result from rosacea. Over time, the skin can thicken and the nose might appear bigger or swollen. Eye irritation and eyelid swelling are also common.
There is no cure for rosacea, but red light therapy can drastically reduce its appearance. Healing nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the affected area, blood flow and circulation are improved, and hydration is increased. The results are a reduction in swelling, dryness, itching, and redness, and a vastly improved overall skin quality.
Cold Sores (Fever Blisters, Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 or 2)
Cold sores are inflamed blisters in or near the mouth and lips, related to a strain of the herpes virus. They cause a painful, burning sensation, and are unsightly.
This condition is lifelong. It is, however, possible to reduce healing time and the time between outbreaks. Because of its skin-regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties, red light therapy is effective against cold sores.
Topical antiviral remedies do not penetrate the skin to the cellular level, limiting their efficacy. Red light therapy can attack the virus by affecting skin cells directly.
Blue light therapy and UV rays are not effective in treating cold sores. The impact of blue wavelengths is antibacterial, which doesn’t affect a virus. UV rays cause skin damage and while beneficial for Vitamin D, they actually cause skin damage and will not help with (and may even exacerbate) cold sores.
Red light is the optimal light therapy for any viral skin issues.
Facial Cellulite, Facial Fat
Cellulite is frequently associated with weight gain, but can also be caused by hereditary factors, pregnancy, or the loss of skin elasticity due to aging. Cellulite or excess fat can be present in the face and neck as well as other areas of the body.
Red light therapy is proven to be an effective aid to slimming both the body and the face. Red wavelengths stimulate the nucleus of the mitochondria within the cells, causing the release of fatty acids.
Red light cannot make a person lose weight without conjunctive efforts, but it can accelerate the reduction of cellulite as weight loss occurs, both in the body and the face.
Visible Facial Veins and Broken Capillaries
Visible facial spider veins, varicose veins, and broken capillaries are the result of dilated blood vessels. They can also be caused by rosacea.
Varicose veins on the face look different from varicose veins on other body parts such as legs. They present as tiny red or blue veins, usually around the eyes or nose, but are not raised or bulbous.
The anti-inflammatory qualities of red light can reduce the appearance of facial veins.
Moles, blisters, wounds, and any other type of facial skin issue can be eased and assisted through red light therapy. The possibilities are virtually endless.
Does Red Light Therapy Cause Facial Hair?
No. While red light therapy is known to boost desired head hair growth, it does not promote undesired, unwanted hair growth in unnatural bodily areas (including the face, in women).
Can Red Light Therapy Cause Wrinkles or Make Wrinkles Worse?
No, quite the opposite. Red light therapy reduces wrinkles and fine lines.
Many people worry that red light therapy might harm the skin because they are aware of the damaging effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. Sunlight consists of a spectrum of different light wavelengths, some of which contain harmful UV radiation. Red wavelengths are only red, containing no other wavelengths in the spectrum.
UV rays are invisible to the human eye but can be felt by the skin in the form of heat (sunlight). Red light wavelengths are shorter, fully visible to the human eye, and do not produce heat. UV radiation presents a health risk and can cause skin damage, but red light wavelengths contain no UV rays and have been known to help improve eye-sight. (even though for safety, I will require you to wear eye goggles during treatment)
Red light therapy will not cause skin damage or disease. Red light wavelengths will help to reduce wrinkles, not cause them or make them worse.
How Will My Skin Respond to Facial Red Light Therapy?
Response to facial red light therapy will depend upon the individual. Age, the severity of skin condition, and length of treatment are all variables. This treatment will, however, benefit everyone to some degree, no matter what the initial presentation.
Whether used as a primary treatment or as a supplement to medications, creams, or other facial remedies, red light therapy is an exciting and powerful breakthrough in the world of facial skincare.